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One Tree - Ali Youssefi - Official Music Video

An empowering global anthem to inspire unity, oneness and hope. Despite whatever physical separation we go through, despite the many forces of society that draw lines between us, the hearts desire to unite, to come together in harmony, to work together, is clear. When we think of ourselves as ‘fruit of one tree’, we recognize an innate oneness, a greater bond that unites us all, we overcome obstacles that hinder a common vision for peace, and our differences become the cause of celebration.

Featuring 88 participants from 25 countries and territories, ’One Tree’ is another ‘World Collaboration’, created at a time when most friends around the world were confined to their home due to the global pandemic.

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Other music by Ali Youssefi on Uplifting Words:

“This is the Age” is a new song Ali Youssefi and his wife Shadi Youssefi wanted to share to commemorate the Bahá’í Ridvan celebration. Ridvan, meaning “paradise” in Arabic, commemorates the occasion when Bahá’u’lláh announced a new stage in the development of humanity, and era of oneness we must now strive to create. Watch >

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