Uplifting Words
Oct 17, 20222 min
Religions and how Baha'is understand their prophecies
We all know that many religions have prophecies that they believe have been fulfilled or are yet to be.
Religions and how Baha'is understand their prophecies
BIC statement calls on leaders to reimagine global order
Podcast explores the BIC’s contributions to the discourse on global governance
BIC New York: Exploring the concept of shared identity during UN General Assembly High-Level Week
Canadian delegates participate in the 66th United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
BIC New York: UN Calls on Iran to end religious discrimination
It’s Time to Resolve the Contradiction Undermining “Leave No One Behind”
Development, Human Happiness and the Challenge of Distinguishing Means From Ends
Strengthening Civil Society: “UNmute” Working Group Meets in New York and Online
Peace Week: Role of global governance in establishing peace
Renewing Peace: Governance Befitting an Evolving World
BIC marks 75 years of UN, envisages path to just global order