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Videos for the Day of the Covenant Baha'i Holy Day Commemoration

Updated: Nov 24, 2020

13 Amazing videos, music and chants that can be used as part of the Day of the Covenant Baha'i Holy Day Commemoration.

The Day of the Covenant is a Baha'i Holy Day held on November 26th annually which was created by 'Abdu'l-Baha at the request of Baha'is in America in the early part of the 1900's who wished to celebrate His birthday. Because 'Abdu'l-Baha was born on another Baha'i Holy day (Declaration of the Bab), He chose another date, November 26th. The Day of the Covenant is for celebration of the Covenant of God as represented by 'Abdu'l-Baha as the Appointed Successor, authorized Interpretor and Center of the Covenant of Baha'u'llah. The Day of the Covenant, unlike most Baha'i Holy Days, is not a day which Baha'is are prohibited from work or school.

Day of the Covenant

Slideshow made for the Day of the Covenant celebrating 'Abdu'l-Bahá as the Center of the Covenant.

Music credit: “The Photograph” by Grant Hindin Miller, Sonbol Taefi, Elika Mahony, Luke Slott

"The Power of the Covenant" by Nadia, Zaynab & Earl

In this Baha’i Blog Studio Session, we’re in New York, USA with Nadia Affolter, Zaynab Affolter and Earl Henrikson who sing “The Power of the Covenant” based on a quotation by Abdu’l-Baha.

The music for this song was written by Dominic Lutley and the Youth of the TfP (Transformation for Peace) Junior Youth Camp at Townshend School in the Czech Republic.

Here is the quotation used for the lyrics below followed by the quotation:

"It is indubitably clear, that the pivot of the oneness of mankind is nothing else but the power of the Covenant [...] The power of the Covenant is as the heat of the sun which quickeneth and promoteth the development of all created things on earth. The light of the Covenant, in like manner, is the educator of the minds, the spirits, the hearts and souls of men." - Abdu’l-Baha

Day of the Covenant by BWTV

Celebrating Day of the Covenant on the 26th November. Introduction by Nicholas Mentha. Produced by BWV for BWTV.

Today is the Day of the Covenant, an occasion celebrated by Baha’is around the world

The Day of the Covenant commemorates Baha’u’llah’s appointment of His eldest son, 'Abdu'l-Baha, as the Center of the Covenant. ‘Abdu’l-Baha was charged with the responsibility of safeguarding the Baha’i Faith against schism and division in the years after the passing of its’ Founder.

‘Abdu’l-Baha carried out this charge by educating Baha’is around the world about the teachings and tenets of the Baha’i Faith. This video clip highlights His visit to America in 1912, the relevance of His teaching work to social ills still faced in our country today, and His work to promote the unity of the Baha’i community.

This video was originally shown at The Second Baha’i World Congress, held this week in 1992 in New York City.

Beautiful Baha'i Prayer in Abdul Baha's voice

Prayer in Abdul Baha's voice with English Translation.

This is Wax cylinder recording of the chanting of 'Abdu'l-Baha with an anonymous narrator providing translation into English.

Note: Date of original recording is on 18 June 1912 in New York City. In the 1930's an LP recording was sold of this recording.

Rare Silent Short Movie of 'Abdu'l-Baha in New York, 1912

Silent short movie of 'Abdu'l-Baha in New York, 1912. The Year 2021 marks 100 years since the passing of The Master

Corinne True sharing stories about her visit with ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in ‘Akká in 1907

Hand of the Cause of God, Corinne True talking with Hand of the Cause of God William Sears and her daughter Edna True about her visit with ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in ‘Akká in 1907

Dastam Begir `Abdu'l-Bahá

Take my hand `Abdu'l-Bahá

“Abdu’l-Baha” by Dominique Sylvester

In this Baha’i Blog Studio Session, we’re in Johannesburg, South Africa with Dominique Sylvester who sings “Abdu’l-Baha” based on a tablet by Abdu’l-Baha.

Here is the quotation used for the lyrics below:

"My name is Abdul-Baha, my identity is Abdul-Baha, my qualification is Abdul-Baha, my reality is Abdul-Baha, my praise is Abdul-Baha. Thraldom to the Blessed Perfection is my glorious and refulgent diadem; and servitude to all the human race is my perpetual religion. ...No name, no title, no mention, no commendation hath he nor will ever have except Abdul-Baha. This is my longing. This is my supreme apex. This is my greatest yearning. This is my eternal life. This is my everlasting glory!" - Abdu’l-Baha

Hold Thou My Hand - a song about 'Abdu'l-Bahá

An inspiring song about 'Abdu'l-Bahá titled, 'Hold Thou My Hand' by Elika Mahony.

Hold Thou My Hand

‘Abdu’l-Bahá, I’m far from home

The road is dark, I’m alone

Hold thou my hand, Hold thou my hand

‘Abdu’l-Bahá, be Thou my guide

When I am weak stay by my side

Hold thou my hand, Hold thou my hand

‘Abdu’l-Bahá, O dearest Friend

Help me to reach my journey’s end

Hold thou my hand, Hold thou my hand

‘Abdu’l-Bahá, hear me I pray

O help me lest I go astray

Hold thou my hand, Hold thou my hand

‘Abdu’l-Bahá, I shall no fear

When I am sure that Thou art near

Hold thou my hand, Hold thou my hand

‘Abdu’l-Bahá, O dearest Friend

Help me to reach my journey’s end

Hold thou my hand, Hold thou my hand

‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Hold Thou my hand

Poem by Dr. Habíb Moayyad

Melody by Gloria Faizi

Arrangement, piano and vocals by Elika Mahony

Baha'i World Congress - Look at Me, Follow Me

"Look at Me, Follow Me"

Paul Seaforth (solo)

Baha’i World Congress Choir & Orchestra

Conducted by Tom Price

Music by Tom Price & Jackie Elliot

New York City, November 24, 1992

'Abdu'l Bahá

Rare and carefully selected images of 'Abdu'l Bahá with the soundtrack from Grant Hindin Miller's song, "'Abdu'l Bahá" from the CD "From Afar".

Tribute to 'Abdu'l-Bahá - Dash Crofts

From the Baha'i World Congress 1992

Baha'i Holy Places & Pilgrimage

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