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Music, stories and Albums dedicated to the Bab

Updated: Feb 16, 2020

A collection of albums and musicians who have dedicated works to the life and holy writings of the Bab, the Herald of the Baha'i Faith.

Iranian composer Afshin Jaberi’s powerful music combines 19th century western piano traditions with eastern melodic influences. It is strongly connected with the message of equality and peaceful unity promoted by his religious faith. The Báb Ballades depict dramatic heroism and tragic sacrifice, while the Sonatas express the horrors of war and the fragility of remote cultures, out of which new hope and the chance for reconciliation can emerge. LISTEN >

“Art was always the center of my life; I was always attracted to beauty and striving towards harmony; the music in this recording was a beginning of a spiritual journey, a journey of faith, sacrifice, a path of life with deep emotional affections. Composition with which I elevated to a new level of musical mind set. They were my remedy facing the hardships and calamities and challenges of my life. While composing I felt divine inspiration, which words cannot describe, only music can convey a glimpse of that realm.” — Afshin Jaberi

‘The Exalted One’ was created in honor of the Bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb. The 11 songs on the album set the prayers and writings of the Báb to music with piano, cello, guitar, tiple, cuatro (South American instruments) and voice. The cover has a beautiful gold laser cut rendering inspired by the gate leading to the Shrine of the Báb. The album includes a short written introduction to the Life and Mission of the Báb. LISTEN >

"[The} cover features a similar gold laser cut of the wrought iron gates that lead to the Shrines of the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh (in Haifa and in Bahji), reflecting the unity of Their reality as the Twin Manifestations of God for this age. Befittingly for the Báb, however, the cover of ‘The Exalted One’ actually opens up as a gate, visually alluding to His role as the Herald of Bahá’u’lláh. It is also set against a deep forest green background, the color associated with the mission of the Báb." - Elika Mahony

Tribute to The Báb is a compilation of original compositions produced in Singapore, consisting of the Chinese translation of Bahá‘í prayers by The Báb, especially produced for the bicentenary of the birth of The Báb in 2019.

Michelle Koay has been writing music since she was 14 years old and has performed several of her compositions during functions organised by the Bahá‘í community as well as various religious gatherings. LISTEN >

"O compassionate God! Thanks be to Thee for Thou hast awakened and made me conscious. Thou hast given me a seeing eye and favored me with a hearing ear, hast led me to Thy kingdom and guided me to Thy path... Keep me steadfast and make me firm and staunch... O Thou the Compassionate God. Bestow upon me a heart which, like unto glass, may be illumined with the light of Thy love, and confer upon me thoughts which may change this world into a rose garden through the outpourings of heavenly grace. Thou art the Compassionate, the Merciful. Thou art the Great Beneficent God." - 'Abdu'l-Baha

Anis and The Bab, narrated in story and song covers events leading up to the Martyrdom of The Báb in 1850, from the Bahá'í history. LISTEN >

Open the Gates, Smith & Dragoman's debut album, is a double disk album of 20 tracks, released in 2004. It focuses on the life of the Báb and His followers, and takes the listener on a journey of courage, faith, crisis and victory. It is a soul-stirring and rich blend of Middle Eastern, African and Western instruments and melodies. LISTEN >

"Open the Gates is one of the most moving CD's I've ever listened to. The music of Smith and Dragoman strikes a chord within and awakens the soul. The music will transport listeners to another time and place and the lyrics will bring the highly emotional stories alive."

In the Spring of 1844, a conversation took place that heralded a new era for the human race. Speaking to a traveller in the city of Shiraz, a Persian merchant announced that He was the Bearer of a Divine Revelation destined to transform the spiritual life of humanity. The merchant's name was Siyyid `Alí -Muhammad, and He is known to history as the Báb ("the Gate" in Arabic). The Oratorio is a telling of the Báb's Martyrdom in July of 1850.

"The Martyrdom of the Báb: is an Oratorio for orchestra, chorus, organ and soloists. The libretto is in English and Persian, derived from Bahá'u'lláh's Tablet of Visitation; the epic account, written between 1888-1892, The Dawn-Breakers: Nabí l's Narrative of the Early Days of the Bahá'í Revelation; and Táhirih's Persian mystical poem of Divine love, Point by Point. LISTEN >

'Forgiveness' sets to music a beautiful prayer by The Bab, with mystical and ethereal melodies and harmonies, taking the listener on a journey of reflection and meditation.

"I beg Thee to forgive me, O my Lord, for every mention but the mention of Thee, and for every praise but the praise of Thee, and for every delight but delight in Thy nearness, and for every pleasure but the pleasure of communion with Thee, and for every joy but the joy of Thy love and of Thy good-pleasure, and for all things pertaining unto me which bear no relationship unto Thee, O Thou Who art the Lord of lords, He Who provideth the means and unlocketh the doors." ~ The Bab

One of the most riveting stories of Divine Revelation, 'Midsummer Noon' brings the dramatic history of the birth of the Bábí Faith to life. This narrative of the life of The Báb recounts His proclamation, suffering and eventual martyrdom from the perspective of those who had the opportunity to be in His Presence. From His mother, to His wife, to believers and onlookers alike, this audio play takes the written accounts and dramatizes them into an expereince that will captivate and inspire. One of the most classic, memorable, and beloved Bahá'i inspired recordings of the previous decades, this is a story that should be in every Bahá'í library. LISTEN >

'Standing Ovation' is Nigerian Afrobeat artist R-Mixy's dedication to the bicentenary to the Birth of The Báb. This song combines a celebratory tone with the chorus based on the remover of difficulties from The Báb. LISTEN >



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