Coronavirus COVID-19 Activity Book for Children

In this uncertain time, children might be hearing a lot of conflicting information about Coronavirus (COVID19) and be confused about the new realities they are being faced with. Some of the changes and feelings associated with these changes can be very hard to understand and explain.
Chelsea Lee Smith, author and creator of "Moments A Day" has created a free printable 20 page activity book for children to help them navigate the current environment of Coronavirus. Chelsea writes on her blog regarding the creation of this book:
"Last week, I started creating an activity book with the aim of helping myself and other parents navigate the information and concepts that are important to share with children around the health crisis facing the world right now. Using the illustrations of a friend, Kertu Kelem, the result was a 20-page colouring book with some reflection questions that would hopefully offer a calm and rational approach to the situation. I hoped it would be useful to parents/teachers and was about to publish it, when I realised that the book – as it was – only contained my own personal understanding of the situation, from where I live in Australia. Wouldn’t it be better if it could be looked over by some other parents, who might have some further ideas about facts or concepts they wanted their children to grasp at this tricky time?
So I asked 20+ mothers for their feedback, and the collaboration was beautiful. People shared their own experiences with Coronavirus from around the world (several live in countries that have already been addressing Coronavirus for 3+ months) and their own ideas about messages they wanted their children to focus on during this challenging time. There was collaborative editing, discussions about wording, consideration of cultural appropriateness, and so much more. I am deeply grateful to these mothers who took time out of their busy lives, especially at such a confronting time for many of us, to give feedback and contribute to making this resource better for all of us."