The Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity (ISGP)
Updated: Sep 27, 2021
What is the Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity (ISGP) ?
The Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity (ISGP) is dedicated to building capacity in individuals, groups and institutions to contribute to prevalent discourses concerned with the betterment of society within a conceptual framework that draws on both science and religion as two complementary systems of knowledge and practice.
The Institute does this by creating learning environments in which participants can come together to study, reflect and consult. It further explores principles, concepts, and approaches that are relevant to the advancement of civilization, and facilitates the generation and systematization of knowledge that is instrumental to effecting positive transformation in society.
Beyond the Institute’s collaborative efforts to articulate an overarching conceptual framework for participating in discourses concerned with the advancement of civilization, the Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity is engaged in the following additional lines of action:
The Institute conducts a series of seminars for university students and recent graduates in several countries around the world.
The Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity seeks to advance the study of social phenomena that influence humanity’s path to enduring peace and shared prosperity. Its purpose in doing so is to generate knowledge that can inform efforts to improve the condition of society. Research supported by the Institute focuses on the exploration of concepts, the evolution of thought and practice, and the dynamics of social change in particular contexts. It also includes field research into efforts being made by individuals, groups and institutions to improve some aspect of the material and spiritual conditions of a given population. Research along these lines of inquiry is intended to contribute to the endeavors of individuals and organizations that are working to promote the progress of their societies.
The Institute draws upon science and religion as systems of knowledge and practice in complementary ways to advance its research initiatives. This approach takes the theories and concepts developed by the social sciences as powerful sources of insight into the workings and structure of society, and the unfoldment of processes throughout history. It also looks to the methods of social sciences as tools that help to produce rigorous and disciplined inquiry into the causes of the phenomena under study. Religion helps to identify concepts, categories and principles that shape how research questions are developed and framed, the ways in which field research is carried out, and the ends for which knowledge is generated. Two principles that come to the fore in much of the research supported by the Institute are justice and the oneness of humanity.