8 Videos Celebrating Baha'i Naw-Ruz
A selection of amazing videos commemorating the Baha'i Faith holy day, Naw-Ruz.

8 of our favourite videos on the internet to help you commemorate your next Naw Ruz celebration:
Bahá'í Naw-Ruz Presentation
A visual presentation capturing the cultural diversity across the planet. Naw-Ruz is a time to celebrate human kind; a time for meeting and reconciling with friends; a time of spring; the colorful and vivifying flowers; the luscious fruits; the sweetmeats and confections which will be shared amongst family and friends across the entire world.
Music: "Divine Tapestry" by Smith and Dragoman: smithanddragoman.com
"Naw-Rúz as a Festival" by Amelia & Anisa | Baha'i Song
This song called “Naw-Rúz as a festival”, was composed for Naw-Rúz, which translates to “New Day”. Naw-Rúz marks the conclusion of the 19-day Baha’i Fast, and the beginning of the Baha’i new year, a celebration of physical and spiritual springtime and a time for new beginnings.
Lyrics of the song from the Baha’i Writings:
“ Praised be Thou, O my God, that Thou hast ordained Naw-Rúz as a festival unto those who have observed the fast for love of Thee and abstained from all that is abhorrent unto Thee. Grant, O my Lord, that the fire of Thy love and the heat produced by the fast enjoined by Thee may inflame them in Thy Cause, and make them to be occupied with Thy praise and with remembrance of Thee”. ⁃Prayers and Meditations by Bahá’u’lláh
Joyous Naw Ruz
During this time of a global health crisis, Baha’is around the world are finding creative means of marking Naw-Ruz—their new year and the first day of spring—while strictly adhering to public health measures to halt the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). This day is a symbol of renewal, an occasion when all can reflect on their spiritual reality and how they can contribute to the well-being of their society.
Naw Rúz Greetings from all around the World
Bahá'í friends from all around the world sending Naw Rúz Greetings!
Naw-Rúz & What it means to be a Baha’i
Naw-Ruz: Spiritual Springtime
Baha’i Blog is delighted to share an audio recording of one of our articles titled, “Naw-Ruz: Spiritual Springtime” in which we learn a little about the significance of the Baha’i new year. The article is read by its author, Preethi.
Naw-Ruz is Everywhere! A Live Online Global Celebration!
Welcome to “Naw-Ruz is Everywhere!” an online Naw-Ruz celebration hosted by Rainn Wilson and Britany Thomas, and live-streamed with friends from around the world!